Term 4 Writing

WALT: I am learning to write a recount about the Jubilee.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: Write about the jubilee and how you were part of it.

TEACHER: I loved your story Finn. I wonder if you will be a policeman!!


I am learning to order numbers to 100.

I know they are in the right order because I just look at the number and 3 are in order and 70 is behind.

Term 3 Topic - Music and Drama

Skill Focus
The children will be able to:
  • participate and contribute demonstrating creativity.

Deep understandings
The children will understand that:
  • there are different ways to be creative
  • we all have ideas to contribute through our participation

Term 3 Writing

WALT: I am learning to write the middle sounds in my words.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: Stretch out the word and write down all the sounds you can hear.



I am learning to share my reading with an audience. I need to use a big voice and read like I am talking.


I can read books to the class using a big voice so they can listen to my story.

I liked the book that I chose.


We are learning to:
Community - Be a positive member of Oaklands School and Room 21.
Active Thinking - Use our initiative when making choices.
Respect - Be kind and respectful towards others.
Excellence - Try our best in our learning.

We prove we can consistently show Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence when we get our Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates. 

I show my CARE values by sitting on the carpet straight.